Saturday, August 14, 2010

super hyperactivity?

one of the kids is SUPER EXTREMELY hyper. could be sensory needs, could be brain function, could it be one of the  many meds he takes? seriously this kid is beyond hyper. I cant cook because i have to keep the gas turned off or he is turning on burners and putting things in the microwave and pulling things off shelves and climbing things and opening the window(on the ThIRD FLOOR!) that has no screen or bars tossing things in the toilet jumping on the bed and so on. he just goes from one thing to the next. he jumps until someone makes him stop then he runs to something else until someone makes him stop and so on. I can not leave the stove for a second when cooking and yet I cant stay there because he is into things when I am not looking. he is on zidovir, lamiver, lamivudine, and kaletra.  I cant help but wonder if the meds have an effect on him that way.


  1. Try asking on the

    This topic also came up on a few months back - you can search the archives and contact the people who were involved in the conversation to see if they tried switching meds and if that helped.
