Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I am with the children in Ukraine., All four kids are on several different medications. some are on this one and that one. others are on different ones. I feel like a pharmacy sometimes. some are to be taken at meals otehrs to be taken 30 mins before eating or one hour after. the kids are great and do pretty well taking their meds. Kaletra makes them whine and cry though! I usually give them an M and M or juice and that works out. They eat ALL the time. like 5 meals a day plus snacks. We are starting to adjust. but of course once they are settled here it will be time to hop a plane back to America.  overall they are doing well.

1 comment:

  1. Zoya grabs her ears, winces and shudders when she takes Kaletra. :( We have had a hard time finding and matching the medications here. Ukraine only gave us a 4 day supply so we ended up running out yesterday before the replacement meds can come in this afternoon. Yikes. Hope you got a longer supply than we did. Miss you! Safe travels!
